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- /* ASTBinaryOperator.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "ASTBinaryOperator.h"
- #include "ASTExpression.h"
- #include "TrashTracker.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "PromotableTypeCheck.h"
- struct ASTBinaryOpRec
- {
- BinaryOpType OperationType;
- ASTExpressionRec* LeftArg;
- ASTExpressionRec* RightArg;
- long LineNumber;
- };
- /* create a new binary operator */
- ASTBinaryOpRec* NewBinaryOperator(BinaryOpType Operation,
- struct ASTExpressionRec* LeftArgument,
- struct ASTExpressionRec* RightArgument,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long LineNumber)
- {
- ASTBinaryOpRec* BinaryOp;
- CheckPtrExistence(LeftArgument);
- CheckPtrExistence(RightArgument);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- BinaryOp = (ASTBinaryOpRec*)AllocTrackedBlock(sizeof(ASTBinaryOpRec),TrashTracker);
- if (BinaryOp == NIL)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- SetTag(BinaryOp,"ASTBinaryOpRec");
- BinaryOp->LineNumber = LineNumber;
- BinaryOp->OperationType = Operation;
- BinaryOp->LeftArg = LeftArgument;
- BinaryOp->RightArg = RightArgument;
- return BinaryOp;
- }
- /* do any needed type promotion */
- static CompileErrors PromoteTypeHelper(DataTypes* LeftOperandType,
- DataTypes* RightOperandType, ASTBinaryOpRec* BinaryOperator,
- long* ErrorLineNumber, struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker)
- {
- CompileErrors Error;
- if (CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(*LeftOperandType,*RightOperandType)
- && MustRightBePromotedToLeft(*LeftOperandType,*RightOperandType))
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* PromotedRightOperand;
- /* we must promote the right operand to become the left operand type */
- PromotedRightOperand = PromoteTheExpression(*RightOperandType/*orig*/,
- *LeftOperandType/*desired*/,BinaryOperator->RightArg,
- BinaryOperator->LineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (PromotedRightOperand == NIL)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOutOfMemory;
- }
- BinaryOperator->RightArg = PromotedRightOperand;
- /* sanity check */
- Error = TypeCheckExpression(RightOperandType/*obtain new right type*/,
- BinaryOperator->RightArg,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- ERROR((Error != eCompileNoError),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: type promotion caused failure"));
- ERROR(*RightOperandType != *LeftOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: after type promotion, types are no"
- " longer the same"));
- }
- else if (CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(*RightOperandType,*LeftOperandType)
- && MustRightBePromotedToLeft(*RightOperandType,*LeftOperandType))
- {
- ASTExpressionRec* PromotedLeftOperand;
- /* we must promote the left operand to become the right operand type */
- PromotedLeftOperand = PromoteTheExpression(*LeftOperandType/*orig*/,
- *RightOperandType/*desired*/,BinaryOperator->LeftArg,
- BinaryOperator->LineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (PromotedLeftOperand == NIL)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOutOfMemory;
- }
- BinaryOperator->LeftArg = PromotedLeftOperand;
- /* sanity check */
- Error = TypeCheckExpression(LeftOperandType/*obtain new left type*/,
- BinaryOperator->LeftArg,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- ERROR((Error != eCompileNoError),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: type promotion caused failure"));
- ERROR(*RightOperandType != *LeftOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: after type promotion, types are no"
- " longer the same"));
- }
- return eCompileNoError;
- }
- /* type check the binary operator node. this returns eCompileNoError if */
- /* everything is ok, and the appropriate type in *ResultingDataType. */
- CompileErrors TypeCheckBinaryOperator(DataTypes* ResultingDataType,
- ASTBinaryOpRec* BinaryOperator, long* ErrorLineNumber,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker)
- {
- CompileErrors Error;
- DataTypes LeftOperandType;
- DataTypes RightOperandType;
- CheckPtrExistence(BinaryOperator);
- CheckPtrExistence(TrashTracker);
- Error = TypeCheckExpression(&LeftOperandType,BinaryOperator->LeftArg,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- Error = TypeCheckExpression(&RightOperandType,BinaryOperator->RightArg,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- /* do type checking and promotion. return type determination is deferred */
- switch (BinaryOperator->OperationType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: unknown opcode"));
- break;
- /* operators capable of boolean, integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* which return a boolean result */
- case eBinaryEqual:
- case eBinaryNotEqual:
- if (!CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(LeftOperandType,RightOperandType)
- && !CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(RightOperandType,LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileTypeMismatch;
- }
- ERROR((IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType) && !IsItAScalarType(RightOperandType))
- || (!IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType) && IsItAScalarType(RightOperandType)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: IsItAScalarType error"));
- if (!IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOperandsMustBeScalar;
- }
- /* do type promotion */
- Error = PromoteTypeHelper(&LeftOperandType,&RightOperandType,BinaryOperator,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- break;
- /* operators capable of boolean, integer, and fixed, */
- /* which return the same type as the arguments */
- case eBinaryAnd:
- case eBinaryOr:
- case eBinaryXor:
- if ((LeftOperandType != eBoolean) && (LeftOperandType != eInteger)
- && (LeftOperandType != eFixed))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileTypeMismatch;
- }
- if (LeftOperandType != RightOperandType)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileTypeMismatch;
- }
- break;
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* where the return is the same type as args */
- case eBinaryPlus:
- case eBinaryMinus:
- case eBinaryMultiplication:
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* where the return is a single, double, or fixed */
- case eBinaryImpreciseDivision:
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* which return a boolean */
- case eBinaryLessThan:
- case eBinaryLessThanOrEqual:
- case eBinaryGreaterThan:
- case eBinaryGreaterThanOrEqual:
- if (!CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(LeftOperandType,RightOperandType)
- && !CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(RightOperandType,LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileTypeMismatch;
- }
- ERROR((IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType) && !IsItAScalarType(RightOperandType))
- || (!IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType) && IsItAScalarType(RightOperandType)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: IsItAScalarType error"));
- if (!IsItASequencedScalarType(LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOperandsMustBeSequencedScalar;
- }
- /* do type promotion */
- Error = PromoteTypeHelper(&LeftOperandType,&RightOperandType,BinaryOperator,
- ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- break;
- /* operators capable of integers, returning integer results */
- case eBinaryIntegerDivision:
- case eBinaryIntegerRemainder:
- if ((LeftOperandType != eInteger) || (RightOperandType != eInteger))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOperandsMustBeIntegers;
- }
- /* no type promotion is necessary */
- break;
- /* operators where the left argument must be integer, single, double, fixed */
- /* and the right argument must be integer, and it returns the same type */
- /* as the left argument */
- case eBinaryShiftLeft:
- case eBinaryShiftRight:
- if (RightOperandType != eInteger)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileRightOperandMustBeInteger;
- }
- if (!IsItASequencedScalarType(LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileOperandsMustBeSequencedScalar;
- }
- /* DON'T do type promotion */
- break;
- /* operators where the left argument must be an array and the right */
- /* argument must be an integer, and the array's element type is returned */
- case eBinaryArraySubscripting:
- if (RightOperandType != eInteger)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileArraySubscriptMustBeInteger;
- }
- if (!IsItAnIndexedType(LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileArrayRequiredForSubscription;
- }
- break;
- /* operators where the arguments are double, */
- /* and which return a double result */
- case eBinaryExponentiation:
- if (!CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(eDouble,LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileDoubleRequiredForExponentiation;
- }
- if (!CanRightBeMadeToMatchLeft(eDouble,RightOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileDoubleRequiredForExponentiation;
- }
- /* force the promotion, if necessary */
- if (LeftOperandType != eDouble)
- {
- DataTypes FakePromotionForcer = eDouble;
- /* promote right operand to double, so left operand is a fake double */
- Error = PromoteTypeHelper(&LeftOperandType,&FakePromotionForcer,
- BinaryOperator,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- ERROR((FakePromotionForcer != eDouble)
- || (LeftOperandType != eDouble),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: exponent ->double promotion failed"));
- }
- if (RightOperandType != eDouble)
- {
- DataTypes FakePromotionForcer = eDouble;
- /* promote left operand to double, so right operand is a fake double */
- Error = PromoteTypeHelper(&FakePromotionForcer,&RightOperandType,
- BinaryOperator,ErrorLineNumber,TrashTracker);
- if (Error != eCompileNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- ERROR((FakePromotionForcer != eDouble)
- || (RightOperandType != eDouble),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: exponent ->double promotion failed"));
- }
- break;
- /* operators where left must be an array type and right must be an integer */
- /* and an array of the same type is returned */
- case eBinaryResizeArray:
- if (!IsItAnIndexedType(LeftOperandType))
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileArrayRequiredForResize;
- }
- if (RightOperandType != eInteger)
- {
- *ErrorLineNumber = BinaryOperator->LineNumber;
- return eCompileIntegerRequiredForResize;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* now, figure out what the return type should be */
- switch (BinaryOperator->OperationType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: unknown opcode"));
- break;
- /* operators capable of boolean, integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* which return a boolean result */
- case eBinaryEqual:
- case eBinaryNotEqual:
- ERROR(LeftOperandType != RightOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not equivalent but should be"));
- ERROR(!IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not scalar but should be"));
- *ResultingDataType = eBoolean;
- break;
- /* operators capable of boolean, integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* which return the same type as the arguments */
- case eBinaryAnd:
- case eBinaryOr:
- case eBinaryXor:
- ERROR(LeftOperandType != RightOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not equivalent but should be"));
- ERROR((LeftOperandType != eBoolean) && (LeftOperandType != eInteger)
- && (LeftOperandType != eFixed),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not what they should be"));
- *ResultingDataType = LeftOperandType;
- break;
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* where the return is the same type as args */
- case eBinaryPlus:
- case eBinaryMinus:
- case eBinaryMultiplication:
- ERROR(LeftOperandType != RightOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not equivalent but should be"));
- ERROR(!IsItASequencedScalarType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not seq scalar but should be"));
- *ResultingDataType = LeftOperandType;
- break;
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* where the return is a single, double, or fixed */
- case eBinaryImpreciseDivision:
- ERROR(LeftOperandType != RightOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not equivalent but should be"));
- ERROR(!IsItASequencedScalarType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not seq scalar but should be"));
- if (LeftOperandType != eInteger)
- {
- *ResultingDataType = LeftOperandType;
- }
- else
- {
- *ResultingDataType = eDouble;
- }
- break;
- /* operators capable of integer, single, double, and fixed args, */
- /* which return a boolean */
- case eBinaryLessThan:
- case eBinaryLessThanOrEqual:
- case eBinaryGreaterThan:
- case eBinaryGreaterThanOrEqual:
- ERROR(LeftOperandType != RightOperandType,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not equivalent but should be"));
- ERROR(!IsItAScalarType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand types are not scalar but should be"));
- *ResultingDataType = eBoolean;
- break;
- /* operators capable of integers, returning integer results */
- case eBinaryIntegerDivision:
- case eBinaryIntegerRemainder:
- ERROR((LeftOperandType != eInteger) || (RightOperandType != eInteger),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operands should be integers"));
- *ResultingDataType = eInteger;
- break;
- /* operators where the left argument must be integer, single, double, fixed */
- /* and the right argument must be integer, and it returns the same type */
- /* as the left argument */
- case eBinaryShiftLeft:
- case eBinaryShiftRight:
- ERROR(RightOperandType != eInteger,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: right operand should be integer"));
- ERROR(!IsItASequencedScalarType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: left operand should be seq scalar"));
- *ResultingDataType = LeftOperandType;
- break;
- /* operators where the left argument must be an array and the right */
- /* argument must be an integer, and the array's element type is returned */
- case eBinaryArraySubscripting:
- ERROR(RightOperandType != eInteger,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: right operand should be integer"));
- switch (LeftOperandType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: spurious type "
- "occurred after array subscript typecheck filter"));
- break;
- case eArrayOfBoolean:
- *ResultingDataType = eBoolean;
- break;
- case eArrayOfInteger:
- *ResultingDataType = eInteger;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFloat:
- *ResultingDataType = eFloat;
- break;
- case eArrayOfDouble:
- *ResultingDataType = eDouble;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFixed:
- *ResultingDataType = eFixed;
- break;
- }
- break;
- /* operators where the arguments are double, */
- /* and which return a double result */
- case eBinaryExponentiation:
- ERROR((LeftOperandType != eDouble) || (RightOperandType != eDouble),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operands should be double"));
- *ResultingDataType = eDouble;
- break;
- /* operators where left must be an array type and right must be an integer */
- /* and an array of the same type is returned */
- case eBinaryResizeArray:
- ERROR(!IsItAnIndexedType(LeftOperandType),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand should be array"));
- ERROR(RightOperandType != eInteger,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "TypeCheckBinaryOperator: operand should be integer"));
- *ResultingDataType = LeftOperandType;
- break;
- }
- return eCompileNoError;
- }
- /* find out just what kind of binary operation this is */
- BinaryOpType BinaryOperatorWhichOne(ASTBinaryOpRec* TheBinOp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheBinOp);
- return TheBinOp->OperationType;
- }
- /* get the left hand side operand out of a binary operator record */
- struct ASTExpressionRec* GetLeftOperandForBinaryOperator(ASTBinaryOpRec* TheBinOp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheBinOp);
- return TheBinOp->LeftArg;
- }
- /* get the right hand side operand out of a binary operator record */
- struct ASTExpressionRec* GetRightOperandForBinaryOperator(ASTBinaryOpRec* TheBinOp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(TheBinOp);
- return TheBinOp->RightArg;
- }
- /* generate code for a binary operator. returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenBinaryOperator(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTBinaryOpRec* BinaryOperator)
- {
- long StackDepth;
- Pcodes Opcode;
- CheckPtrExistence(FuncCode);
- CheckPtrExistence(BinaryOperator);
- StackDepth = *StackDepthParam;
- /* generate code for left operand */
- if (!CodeGenExpression(FuncCode,&StackDepth,BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- return False;
- }
- ERROR(StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 1,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CodeGenBinaryOperator: stack depth error on left operand"));
- /* generate code for the right operand */
- if (!CodeGenExpression(FuncCode,&StackDepth,BinaryOperator->RightArg))
- {
- return False;
- }
- ERROR(StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 2,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CodeGenBinaryOperator: stack depth error on right operand"));
- /* generate the opcode for performing the computation */
- switch (BinaryOperator->OperationType)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator: unknown opcode"));
- break;
- case eBinaryAnd:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryAnd]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryAnd]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eBoolean:
- Opcode = epOperationBooleanAnd;
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerAnd;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedAnd;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryOr:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryOr]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryOr]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eBoolean:
- Opcode = epOperationBooleanOr;
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerOr;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedOr;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryXor:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryXor]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryXor]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eBoolean:
- Opcode = epOperationBooleanXor;
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerXor;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedXor;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryLessThan:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryLessThan]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryLessThan]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerLessThan;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatLessThan;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleLessThan;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedLessThan;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryLessThanOrEqual:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryLessThanOrEqual]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryLessThanOrEqual]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerLessThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatLessThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleLessThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedLessThanOrEqual;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryGreaterThan:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryGreaterThan]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryGreaterThan]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerGreaterThan;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatGreaterThan;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleGreaterThan;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedGreaterThan;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryGreaterThanOrEqual:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryGreaterThanOrEqual]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryGreaterThanOrEqual]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatGreaterThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleGreaterThanOrEqual;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedGreaterThanOrEqual;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryEqual:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryEqual]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryEqual]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eBoolean:
- Opcode = epOperationBooleanEqual;
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerEqual;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatEqual;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleEqual;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedEqual;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryNotEqual:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryNotEqual]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryNotEqual]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eBoolean:
- Opcode = epOperationBooleanNotEqual;
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerNotEqual;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatNotEqual;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleNotEqual;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedNotEqual;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryPlus:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryPlus]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryPlus]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerAdd;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatAdd;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleAdd;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedAdd;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryMinus:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryMinus]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryMinus]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerSubtract;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatSubtract;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleSubtract;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedSubtract;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryMultiplication:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryMultiplication]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryMultiplication]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerMultiply;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatMultiply;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleMultiply;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedMultiply;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryImpreciseDivision:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryImpreciseDivision]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryImpreciseDivision]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerImpreciseDivide;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatDivide;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleDivide;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedDivide;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryIntegerDivision:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryIntegerDivision]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryIntegerDivision]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerDivide;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryIntegerRemainder:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg)
- != GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryIntegerRemainder]: "
- "type check failure -- operands are not the same type"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryIntegerRemainder]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerModulo;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryShiftLeft:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg) != eInteger,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryShiftLeft]: "
- "type check failure -- right operand isn't an integer"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryShiftLeft]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerShiftLeft;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatShiftLeft;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleShiftLeft;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedShiftLeft;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryShiftRight:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg) != eInteger,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryShiftRight]: "
- "type check failure -- right operand isn't an integer"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryShiftRight]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eInteger:
- Opcode = epOperationIntegerShiftRight;
- break;
- case eFloat:
- Opcode = epOperationFloatShiftRight;
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoubleShiftRight;
- break;
- case eFixed:
- Opcode = epOperationFixedShiftRight;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryArraySubscripting:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg) != eInteger,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryArraySubscripting]: "
- "type check failure -- right operand isn't an integer"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryArraySubscripting]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eArrayOfBoolean:
- Opcode = epLoadBooleanFromArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfInteger:
- Opcode = epLoadIntegerFromArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFloat:
- Opcode = epLoadFloatFromArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfDouble:
- Opcode = epLoadDoubleFromArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFixed:
- Opcode = epLoadFixedFromArray2;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryExponentiation:
- ERROR((GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg) != eDouble)
- || (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg) != eDouble),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryExponentiation]: "
- "type check failure -- an argument isn't a double"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryExponentiation]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eDouble:
- Opcode = epOperationDoublePower;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case eBinaryResizeArray:
- ERROR(GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->RightArg) != eInteger,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryResizeArray]: "
- "type check failure -- right operand isn't an integer"));
- switch (GetExpressionsResultantType(BinaryOperator->LeftArg))
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"CodeGenBinaryOperator[eBinaryResizeArray]: "
- "bad operand types"));
- break;
- case eArrayOfBoolean:
- Opcode = epResizeBooleanArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfInteger:
- Opcode = epResizeIntegerArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFloat:
- Opcode = epResizeFloatArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfDouble:
- Opcode = epResizeDoubleArray2;
- break;
- case eArrayOfFixed:
- Opcode = epResizeFixedArray2;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!AddPcodeInstruction(FuncCode,Opcode,NIL))
- {
- return False;
- }
- StackDepth -= 1;
- ERROR(StackDepth != *StackDepthParam + 1,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CodeGenBinaryOperator: post operator stack size is screwed up"));
- *StackDepthParam = StackDepth;
- return True;
- }